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How to Know When It Is Time to Switch Jobs

The right job challenges you, excites you, and rewards your efforts. It’s where you can learn new skills, grow professionally, and be proud of what you do. But if that’s not the case for you anymore — then maybe it’s time to switch jobs. Here are three signs that will tell you whether it’s time to make that transition.

  1. When You Dread Going to Work

If you dread going to work, it’s time to change jobs. You should feel excited about going to work each day and have a positive attitude about your job. If these feelings are absent or very weak, it is likely time for a career change.

  1. When You’re Bored

If you don’t feel like your job provides challenges, you probably aren’t learning anything new or growing. This isn’t sustainable for long-term career success or happiness at work.

  1. When You’re Feeling Stuck

You may feel stuck because your job doesn’t challenge you enough. Sometimes the best way to grow is by finding a new job with new learning opportunities. If your current position doesn’t allow this, it’s time to move on.


Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide when to move on from your current job. But if you feel stuck or unhappy with your work, some steps can help you get unstuck and back on track. If you’re considering a career change, now is a perfect time.

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