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How to Avoid Work Burnout

If you always feel tired at your job and overwhelmed by tasks, you may be suffering from work burnout. Here are some tips to avoid this and stay on track!

Do a Job Analysis

A job analysis requires you to look at your job and think about what your tasks and duties are. Once you have, list them in order of importance, from most important to least important. Consider which ones could be delegated or just left until you have more time.

Develop Coping Methods

You can also look into ways of dealing with stress. You don’t want to ignore stress, as it will just build up and lead to burnout, so learning some coping methods is a great place to start for short-term stress. Long-term stress might require therapy or even considering whether you could change your career.

Take More Control

Talk to your manager about whether they would allow you to have a more active role in the finer details of your job. For example, having some flexibility to decide deadlines, priorities and tasks can make all the difference, giving you more control and avoiding feelings of helplessness.

Do More Outside of Work

Sometimes it can feel like work is your whole life. If so, make a deliberate decision to do something else, whether this is exercise, a new hobby, or just more time devoted to what you already like doing. A clear separation of work and relaxation will help you to go back to work refreshed.

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